Faculty Resources

The Language Lab's collection of pedagogical materials includes, among many other items, books on language acquisition and teaching, clocks, Cuisenaire rods, flash cards, games, maps, portable whiteboards, and more. 

ACTFL 2005–2015: Realizing Our Vision of Languages for All
Audrey L. Heining-Boynton (Editor)
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. © 2006

Articulation And Achievement: Connecting Standards, Performance, and Assessment in Foreign Language
Claire Jackson et al
NY: College Board Publications © 1996
Report of the Articulation and Achievement Project: The Challenge of the 1990s in Foreign Language Education; discusses (1) the development of national standards in foreign language education, (2) the “Language Learning Continuum,” (3) assessment strategies; includes appendices containing sample illustrations related to each discussion topic; 111 pages.

Assessing Foreign Language Proficiency of Undergraduates
Richard V. Teschner (Editor)
Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers © 1991
The second volume in the series Issues in Language Program Direction sponsored by the American Association of University Supervisors; a collection of twelve papers focusing on the issue of proficiency in undergraduate language programs; emphasis given to the specifics of testing (listening, reading, picture-description tests, as well as departmental exit exams, placement exams and systems, self-assessment tests, testing programs that accompany textbooks, process-oriented testing); 236 pages.

Barnga: A Simulation Game on Cultural Clashes
Game design: Sivasailam Thiagarajan
Manual: Barbara Steinwachs
SIETAR International Publication © 1990, 1994 by Sivasailam Thiagarajan
Intended for classrooms or group seminars, this game teaches players how to approach cultural differences. By encountering these systematic variations, players practice their skills of intercultural negotiation as they navigate to a common goal.

Beyond the Boundaries: Changing Contexts in Language Learning
Roberta Z. Lavine (Editor)
Margaret Ann Kassen (Chair)
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. © 2001

Brainswitching: A Skill for the 21st Century
James A. Asher
Los Gatos, CA: Sky Oaks Productions, Inc. © 1988

Caring and Sharing in the Foreign Language Class
Gertrude Moskowitz
Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers, Inc. © 1978
120 strategies or techniques “known as humanistic, affective, or awareness exercises” suggested for use by the foreign language teacher to encourage students to want to express themselves in the target language, to help create a fun, interesting and motivating atmosphere in the classroom; “exercises (for all levels of language) attempt to blend what the student feels, thinks, and knows with what he/she is learning in the target language;” 343 pages.

Chalk Talks
Norma Shapiro and Carol Genser
Berkeley, CA: Command Performance Language Institute © 1994 Norma Shapiro and Carol Genser
“A teacher’s guide on how to conduct spontaneous lessons using symbols as language cues;” includes 100+ ideas for lesson topics, reproducible sample lessons, tips on how to make a symbol for any concept, dictionary of 500+ symbols for the following content areas: basic facts, verbs, health, at home, food and clothing, the community, and grammar, English and Spanish index of symbols; 190 pages.

Challenges in the 1990s for College Foreign Language Programs
Sally Sieloff Magnan (Editor)
Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers © 1991
The first volume in the series Issues in Language Program Direction produced by the American Association of University Supervisors; articles focus on (1) structure and articulation of language courses, (2) responsibilities of the language program director, (3) methodology courses and teaching assistant preparation, (4) pedagogical materials; 236 pages.

Classroom Techniques: Foreign Languages and English as a Second Language
Edward Allen and Rebecca M. Valette
Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press © 1977, 1972
Handbook of teaching techniques designed to develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in foreign languages as well as ESL; includes chapters on the preparation of supplementary materials, the teaching of grammar, vocabulary, and culture; appendix features sample lesson plans; 418 pages.

A Collection of Performance Tasks and Rubrics: Foreign Languages
Deborah Blaz
Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, Inc. © 2001
Compilation of strategies to be used to assess language students’ performance in listening, reading, speaking, and writing; also includes examples of student work as well as rubrics for scoring, evaluating, and grading performance; 140 pages.

The Coming of Age of the Profession: Issues and Emerging Ideas for the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Jane Harper, Madeleine Lively, Mary Williams (Editors)
Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers © 1998
Compilation of 16 articles by educators in the area of language instruction; topics discussed: teacher-learner roles, methods of presentation, designing activities, evaluation/assessment techniques, the National Standards, and the role of technology in language instruction; accompanying CD-ROM features software demos and WWW links; 310 pages.

Communication in the Modern Languages Classroom
Joe Sheils
Strasbourg: Council of Europe © 1988
A 309-page text of practical techniques for the teaching of foreign languages; examples in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish are drawn from a variety of published materials; emphasizes the integration of listening/speaking/writing skills in the classroom.

A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory
Penny Ur
NY: Cambridge University Press © 1991
Coursebook providing a thorough introduction to the teaching of foreign languages; intended for use by new teachers working independently and/or in teacher-training courses; includes modules for study such as lesson planning, course content, the process of teaching, the teaching of the “what” and “how” of a language, learner differences; 375 pages.

A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory — Trainee Book
Penny Ur
NY: Cambridge University Press © 1999
This companion volume to the coursebook listed above includes critical reading, worksheets, and task materials required to complete a course based on the study modules of the main book; intended for use by teachers in training; 142 pages.

Creative Activities for the Second Language Classroom
Diane W. Birckbichler
Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics © 1982
Document #48 in the series Language in Education: Theory and Practice; compilation of activities to encourage the development of the language learner’s fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration skills; 87 pages.

Developing Reading Skills: A Practical Guide to Reading Comprehension Exercises
Françoise Grellet
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press © 1981
Illustrates different types of reading comprehension exercises for use by teachers of ESL or foreign language; 252 pages.

Discovering French-Rouge: Teacher-to-Teacher
Patricia Deckas Becerra
Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Co. © 1997
Book of activities designed as supplements to the ten units of the text Discovering French Rouge (Valette and Valette); includes crossword puzzles designed for pair work, grid activities to drill structure and vocabulary, and scavenger-type activities; 129 pages.

Dizionario per immagini
Marco Mezzadri
Perugia: Guerra Edizioni © 1998
Clip art/cartoon-style illustrations of about 2000 Italian words grouped thematically into 72 units, from basic vocabulary to expressions associated with specific scenarios of daily life; vocabulary listed in numbered charts outside of the illustrations themselves, so that art work may be used in isolation for ease of use in other contexts; 140 pages.

English Grammar for Students of French 2nd Edition
Ann Arbor, MI: The Olivia and Hill Press © 1989
“Study guide for those learning French” by Jacqueline Morton; designed to be an accompaniment to any textbook, this guide offers simple explanations of English grammar structures (i.e., parts of speech, word functions, grammatical concepts) by answering basic questions (e.g. What is gender? What are relative pronouns? etc.); uses examples, charts, step-by-step instructions, and short practice exercises (with answer key) to identify similarities and differences between English and French; 224 pages.

English Grammar For Students of German 3rd Edition
Ann Arbor, MI: The Olivia and Hill Press © 1994
“Study guide for those learning German” by Cecile Zorach and Charlotte Melin; designed to be an accompaniment to any textbook, this guide offers simple explanations of English grammar structures (i.e., parts of speech, word functions, grammatical concepts) by answering basic questions (e.g. What is gender? What are relative pronouns? etc.); uses examples, charts, step-by-step instructions, and short practice exercises (with answer key) to identify similarities and differences between English and German; 176 pages.

English Grammar For Students of Italian 2nd Edition
Ann Arbor, MI: The Olivia and Hill Press © 1995
“Study guide for those learning Italian” by Sergio Adorni and Karen Primorac; designed to be an accompaniment to any textbook, this guide offers simple explanations of English grammar structures (i.e., parts of speech, word functions, grammatical concepts) by answering basic questions (e.g. What is gender? What are relative pronouns? etc.); uses examples, charts, step-by-step instructions, and short practice exercises (with answer key) to identify similarities and differences between English and Italian; 199 pages.

English Grammar For Students of Spanish 3rd Edition
Ann Arbor, MI: The Olivia and Hill Press © 1994
“Study guide for those learning Spanish” by Emily Spinelli; designed to be an accompaniment to any textbook, this guide offers simple explanations of English grammar structures (i.e., parts of speech, word functions, grammatical concepts) by answering basic questions (e.g. What is gender? What are relative pronouns? etc.); uses examples, charts, step-by-step instructions, and short practice exercises (with answer key) to identify similarities and differences between English and Spanish; 193 pages.

Faces In a Crowd: The Individual Learner In Multisection Courses
Carol A. Klee (Editor)
Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers © 1994
The fifth volume in the series Issues in Language Program Direction produced by the American Association of University Supervisors; articles focus on language anxiety and gender issues in second language classrooms, research studies on learner variables, and policy and curricular implications that accompany a focus on individual learners; 386 pages.

Five-Minute Activities
Penny Ur
New York: Cambridge University Press © 1992
A resource book of over 130 short activities for the language classroom; activities can be used to learn or practice particular aspects of language, can act as “getting to know you”–type exercises, can provide transition between major parts of a lesson, or can serve as introductory or concluding material for a lesson; 105 pages.

Foreign Language Teacher’s Guide to Active Learning
Deborah Blaz
Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, Inc. © 1999
Intended for use by middle and high school foreign-language teachers; 6 chapters filled with various types of language classroom activities ranging from those that “appeal to multiple intelligences” to several focusing on “revitalizing the basics” of vocabulary building and grammar; introductory chapter discusses how the language instructor can incorporate brain and language learning research into his/her daily classroom activities; final chapter offers suggestions for integrating technology (particularly the Internet) and language learning; list of general websites for teachers and language-specific websites for use with/by students included; 196 pages.

Getting Permission: How to License & Clear Copyrighted Materials Online & Off 2nd Edition
Richard Stim
© 2001, 2004 by Richard Stim
Accompanying CD-ROM

Grammar Practice Activities
Penny Ur
New York: Cambridge University Press © 1988, 1994
Divided into two parts, this practical guide provides suggestions for the design of activities related to grammar practice as well as almost 200 game-like activities with detailed descriptions of procedure; activities are suitable for a wide range of levels and ages; 288 pages.

A Guidebook for Teaching Foreign Language: Spanish, French, German
Beverly S. Wattenmaker and Virginia Wilson
Boston: Allyn and Bacon © 1980
A guidebook for teaching communication in any language with language-specific lesson models in Spanish, French, and German; each chapter outlines behavior objectives with corresponding grammar objectives and includes teaching and communication exercises designed to achieve these objectives; 298 pages.

A Handbook for Teachers of Italian
Anthony Mollica (Editor)
Ontario: American Association of Teachers of Italian © 1976
16 articles on a variety of topics of professional concern to the teacher of Italian, including fundamentals of language learning and instruction, preparation of teachers, developing communication skills and cultural understanding, testing, teaching literature, and film, among others; 301 pages.

Inquiries & Insights: Second Language Teaching Immersion & Bilingual Education Literacy
Stephen D. Krashen
Hayward, CA: Alemany Press © 1985

Instructor’s Notebook: How to Apply TPR for Best Results
Ramiro Garcia
Los Gatos, CA: Sky Oaks Productions, Inc. © 1985
Handbook of general information about the Total Physical Response methodology, its application, and specific techniques; 80 pages.

International Perspectives on Foreign Language Teaching
Gerard L. Ervin (Editor)
In conjunction with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Co. © 1991
Compilation of articles emphasizing non-US perspectives on a variety of foreign-language education issues — e.g., FLES, national foreign-language policies and practices, creativity in the foreign-language classroom, language for specific purposes, distance language education; 200 pages.

The Internet for Teachers 2nd Edition
Bard Williams
Foster City, CA: IDG Books Worldwide © 1996
From the publisher of the “Dummies” series of books, this guide is designed to assist teachers in using the Internet; includes chapters on why to use the Internet, planning an online experience for students, chats, ideas for using email, useful mailing lists for educators and students, educational and reference web sites, troubleshooting and practical tips; accompanying dual platform CD-ROM available; 380 pages.

An Introduction to Teaching Composition in an Electronic Environment
Eric Hoffman and Carol Scheidenhelm
A Pearson Education Company © 2000 by Allyn & Bacon

Language and Content: Discipline- and Content-Based Approaches to Language Study
Merle Krueger and Frank Ryan (Editors)
Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company © 1993
Part of the Heath Series on Foreign Language Acquisition Research and Instruction; 15 papers that address the issues of teaching foreign languages through the content of various academic disciplines and the teaching of various disciplines in the context of a foreign language; 217 pages.

Language Anxiety: From Theory and Research to Classroom Implications
Elaine Horwitz and Dolly J. Young
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall © 1991
Collection of papers on the topic of language learning and anxiety written from the points of view of teachers, students, theorists, and researchers; outlines foreign-language learning strategies and suggests techniques for minimizing language anxiety in the classroom; 192 pages.

Language Learning Strategies: What Every Teacher Should Know
Rebecca L. Oxford
Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers © 1990
Practical recommendations for developing second-language learning strategies; includes detailed suggestions for strategy use in the four language skill areas, case studies, and models for setting up language programs; 342 pages.

Language Play: An Introduction to Linguistics
Don L.F. Nilsen and Alleen Pace Nilsen
Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers © 1978
A versatile textbook for introductory college language courses as well as for courses in mass communications, composition, sociolinguistics, or general semantics; the authors define language and language play, explain the development of language, study the language of advertising, discuss the sounds, orthography, and syntax of the English language; includes “observation-collection” exercises that encourage students to collect examples of different types of language play and other analysis” exercises designed to give students practice in discerning levels of meaning and the impact of word associations; 249 pages.

Languages and Children: Making the Match 2nd Edition
Helena Curtain and Carol Ann Bjornstad Pesola
White Plains, NY: Longman © 1994, 1988
Subtitled “Foreign Language Instruction for an Early Start Grades K8,” this text includes valuable information for foreign language teachers at the elementary and middle school levels: ideas for classroom activities, lesson plans, assessment procedures, curriculum planning models, discussion of the whole-language movement and early second-language learning, bibliography for FL programs in elementary and middle schools; 480 pages.

Alan Duff and Alan Maley
Oxford: Oxford University Press © 1990
A 167-page text of practical ideas for using literature in the language classroom; activities designed to engage students interactively with a text, with fellow students and with the teacher; not a text intended to teach students how to study literature from the literary, critical, or stylistics viewpoint; originally intended for teachers of EFL/ESL, but ideas may be used by foreign language teachers as well.

Literature in the Language Classroom
Joanne Collie and Stephen Slater
NY: Cambridge University Press © 1987
266-page resource book of ideas and activities that includes (1) a discussion of aims and objectives of treating literature in the language classroom, (2) outline of practical activities that may be applied when using literary works, (3) examination of specific English-language plays, short stories, poems, and the novel Lord of the Flies to illustrate how practical activities may be adapted for each genre; originally intended for teachers of EFL/ESL, but ideas may be used by foreign language teachers as well.

Making Communicative Language Teaching Happen
James F. Lee and Bill VanPatten
New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. © 1995
A “guide to help instructors develop communicative classroom environments that blend listening, speaking, reading, and writing;” includes survey of selected research on second-language acquisition and the role of input therein, techniques for teaching grammar, new approaches to oral communication and literacy in the second language; 291 pages.

Making It Happen
Patricia A. Richard-Amato
New York: Longman © 1988
Subtitled Interaction in the Second-Language Classroom, this text “explores ways to create meaningful interaction in second language classrooms;” part 1: theory, part 2: classroom methods and activities, part 3: issues concerning classroom management, part 4: description of actual programs in action; 426 pages.

Memory, Meaning & Method
Earl W. Stevick
Rowley, MA: Newbury House Publishers, Inc. © 1976

MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 4th Edition
Joseph Gibaldi (Editor)
NY: The Modern Language Association of America © 1995
guide designed to provide a comprehensive view of how research papers are created; the new, fourth edition features expanded section on punctuation, explanations of how to use electronic catalogs, central information systems, CD-ROM, and online databases in research; how to use computers to compile bibliographies, take notes, and outline and write research papers; how to cite electronic publications, including CD-ROMs, diskettes, magnetic tapes, and online databases; 276 pages.

Modern Language Testing 2nd Edition
Rebecca M. Valette (NY: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich © 1967, 1977)
a handbook for foreign-language and ESL teachers; explains the terminology associated with testing research and suggests ways for the teacher to improve his/her own classroom tests; includes discussion of tests of communicative competence, as well as testing techniques in the areas of culture and literature; 349 pages.

Modern Media in Foreign Language Education: Theory and Implementation
William Flint Smith (Editor)
In conjunction with the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Co. © 1987
First volume in the ACTFL Foreign Language Education series devoted exclusively to educational technology in language teaching; 10 essays representing “a broad survey of CALL (computer-assisted language learning) theory, research and implementation in the mid-1980s;” 295 pages.

Mollica, Anthony: Reprints of Articles
Reprints of four articles by Anthony Mollica outlining specific teaching methods suggested for use in the second language classroom; folder of reprints includes: (1) “Cartoons in the Language Classroom,” reprinted from The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, vol. 32, no. 4, March 1976, pp. 424–444; (2) “The Film Advertisement: A Source for Language Activities,” reprinted from The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, vol. 34, no. 2, January 1978, pp. 221–243; (3) “Print and non-print materials: Adapting for classroom use,” reprinted from Building on Experience-Building for Success, edited by June Phillips in ACTFL Foreign Language Education Series, vol. 10; “Visual Puzzles in the Second-Language Classroom,” reprinted from The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, vol. 37, no. 3 March 1981, pp. 582–622.

More Than Meets the Eye — Foreign Language Reading: Theory and Practice
Marva A. Barnett
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents © 1989
Review of research on first-language reading and the application of research findings to the teaching of second-language reading; discusses role of personal reading strategies and many other factors involved in the reading process; suggests a methodology for teaching effective reading strategies in the second-language classroom; 233 pages.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students: Connecting Curriculum and Technology
International Society for Technology in Education © 2000
Publication of the NETS Project, an initiative of the International Society for Technology in Education funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Milken Exchange on Education Technology, and Apple Computer, Inc.; mandate of NETS Project: development of national standards for educational uses of technology in Pre-K–12 education; contains examples of the integration of technology with curriculum standards in English language arts, foreign language, mathematics, science, and social studies; 373 pages.

New Perspectives on Grammar Teaching in Second Language Classrooms
Eli Hinkel and Sandra Fotos (Editors)
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. © 2002
collection of 12 scholarly articles that present various approaches to the teaching of grammar in the ESL and EFL classrooms; text intended for use in second-language grammar pedagogy courses by advanced undergraduates or master’s-level students; articles organized under the following headings: (1) “Grammar in Language Teaching,” (2) “Classroom Approaches to Grammar Teaching,” and (3) “Research on Grammar Structures;” 272 pages.

Northeast Conference Reports: 1985, 1989
Middlebury, VT: Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages © 1985, 1989
compilation of articles on topics of interest to the language teaching profession, published in conjunction with the 1985 and 1989 Northeast Conferences; topic of 1985 Report: Proficiency, Curriculum, Articulation: The Ties that Bind (220 pages); 1989 Report: Shaping the Future: Challenges and Opportunities (164 pages).

PICS Videoguidelines
Iowa City, IA: PICS © 1990
24-page manual “developed by the staff of The Project for International Communication Studies to stimulate work with video in language teaching;” includes 100 answers to some of the most frequently posed questions about work with video, a rationale, and two-page chart to guide a teacher’s approach to any video segment; a checklist of 77 specific activities for the presentation, preparation, and expansion phases of video work; 3 copies available.

A Picture is Worth… 1000 Words… Books 1 & 2
Anthony Mollica
Welland, Ontario: éditions Soleil publishing, inc. © 1992
Subtitled Creative activities for the language classroom, the two volumes of 60 photographs each are intended to provide visual stimuli for discussion and conversation activity in the language classroom; also available: Teacher’s Guide (by Anthony Mollica, Julie Ashcroft, and Anne-Marie Finger) containing questions for each photograph.

Un poco de historia: The Heath Spanish History Booklet
María Juana Cazabón
Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company © 1989
A 58-page, easy-to-access reference guide providing cultural and historical information on Spain and Spanish America; topics include (1) highlights of Iberian history, politics, literature, and monuments; (2) vignettes on Spanish explorers and historical figures; (3) background and terminology for sports and traditions; in English.

A Practical Guide to the Teaching of French
Wilga Rivers
New York: Oxford University Press © 1975
One in a series of practical guides for teaching foreign languages in high school or at the undergraduate level; includes theoretical discussions of and practical applications for oral communication, pronunciation, grammar instruction, listening and reading comprehension, and writing; 348 pages.

A Practical Guide to the Teaching of German
Wilga Rivers, Kathleen Mitchell Dell’Orto, Vincent J. Dell’Orto
New York: Oxford University Press © 1975
One in a series of practical guides for teaching foreign languages in high school or at the undergraduate level; includes theoretical discussions of and practical applications for oral communication, pronunciation, grammar instruction, listening and reading comprehension, and writing; 346 pages.

A Practical Guide to the Teaching of Spanish
Wilga Rivers, Milton Azevedo, William Heflin, Ruth Hyman-Opler
New York: Oxford University Press © 1976
One in a series of practical guides for teaching foreign languages in high school or at the undergraduate level; includes theoretical discussions of and practical applications for oral communication, pronunciation, grammar instruction, listening and reading comprehension, and writing; 352 pages.

Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition
Stephen D. Krashen
Pergamon Press © 1982, Stephen D. Krashen

Principles of Language Learning and Teaching 2nd Edition
H. Douglas Brown
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Regents © 1987
Designed to provide a grasp of the theoretical foundations of foreign language teaching from the interdisciplinary perspectives of linguistics, psychology and education; includes “in the classroom” vignettes on language teaching methodology, information on intelligence and language learning, and right- and left-brain processing; 285 pages.

Principles of Language Learning and Teaching 4th Edition
H. Douglas Brown
White Plains, NY: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. © 2000
Designed to provide a grasp of the theoretical foundations of foreign language teaching from the interdisciplinary perspectives of linguistics, psychology and education; includes “in the classroom” vignettes on language teaching methodology, information on intelligence and language learning, and right- and left-brain processing.

Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning
Stephen D. Krashen
UK: Prentice Hall International Ltd © 1988

Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century
NY: National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project © 1999
Expanded edition of the 1996 publication described below; includes information applying the standards to specific languages; 474 pages.

Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing For The 21st Century
NY: National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project © 1996
Document prepared collaboratively by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages in conjunction with the American Associations of Teachers of French, of German, and of Spanish and Portuguese; document defines what the foreign language learner should know and be able to do in the language by the end of high school; “it does not prescribe how students should get there, [but] offers guidance to those responsible for assisting them on the journey;” standards organized by goal areas: communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, and communities with content standards included within each goal area; also includes learning scenarios to assist the teacher in making the transition to standards-oriented instruction; 109 pages.

Task-Based II: More Communicative Activities for the Language Lab
Lee Ann Stone (Editor)
A 78-page monograph published by IALL (International Association for Language Learning Technology) containing 29 situational activities that have a goal or purpose requiring the use of the target language and utilizing the special features of a language laboratory setting, features that generally cannot be duplicated in the classroom; activities designed for beginning through third-year-level students.

Task Reading
Evelyn Davies et al.
New York: Cambridge University Press © 1990
A course book intended for readers of English as a second language at the high-beginning to mid-intermediate level; includes suggestions for teachers to assist students in reading for information, for meaning, and for pleasure; 124 pages.

Teacher’s Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction
Judith L. Shrum and Eileen W. Glisan
Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers © 1994
Reference text designed to assist pre- and in-service language teachers in the development of a contextualized approach to language teaching “based on meaningful language use, real communication, and interaction among language learners;” includes examination and application of language learning/teaching theories through “practical observational episodes, micro-teaching situations, and case studies;” resource section provides information on sources of free materials, sample lesson plans, teaching evaluation forms, etc.; 360 pages.

Teacher’s Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction 2nd Edition
Judith L. Shrum and Eileen W. Glisan
Boston: Heinle & Heinle © 2000
Second edition of 1994 publication; new to the second edition:
(1) expanded discussion of sociocultural theory as applied to language education
(2) incorporation of the Standards for Foreign Language Learning with chapter themes
(3) new themes: teaching heritage language learners, motivation and anxiety, authentic assessment tools, evaluation/selection of textbooks
(4) revised case studies
410 pages

Teacher’s Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction 3rd Edition
Judith L. Shrum and Eileen W. Glisan
Boston: Thomson Heinle © 2005
Reference text designed to assist pre- and in-service language teachers in the development of a contextualized approach to language teaching “based on meaningful language use, real communication, and interaction among language learners;” includes examination and application of language learning/teaching theories through “practical observational episodes, micro-teaching situations, and case studies;” resource section provides information on sources of free materials, sample lesson plans, teaching evaluation forms, etc.
Added preliminary chapter.

Teacher’s Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction 5th Edition
Judith L. Shrum and Eileen W. Glisan
Boston: Cengage Learning © 2016, 2010, 2005
New to the 5th edition:  (1) updated focus on technology; (2) updated themes; (3) response to new standards; (4) expanded website resources; (5) shorter text; 506 pages.

Teaching Foreign-Language Skills 2nd Edition
Wilga M. Rivers
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press © 1968, 1981
A comprehensive, practical text designed for use by present and future foreign language teachers; focuses on linguistic theory and pedagogical background to the teaching of each language skill; specific techniques for classroom teaching examined in the light of language acquisition theory; includes discussion of diverse matters such as “keeping students of differing abilities active, evaluating textbooks, using language labs creatively, preparing effective exercises and drills;” 562 pages.

Teaching Language in Context: Proficiency-Oriented Instruction
Alice C. Omaggio
Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers © 1986
A 479-page text that “investigates issues in second language learning and teaching from a perspective in which proficiency is the organizing principle” (preface, xi); includes discussion of methodologies, the role of context, a proficiency-oriented approach to listening and reading, the development of written and oral proficiency, accuracy, classroom testing, and cultural understanding.

Teaching Language in Context 2nd Edition
Alice Omaggio Hadley
Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers © 1993
A 532-page second edition of 1986 publication; chapters new to this edition: (1) “On Knowing a Language” (“explores theoretical and practical insights into what it means to be proficient in a language”); (2) “On Learning a Language” (“deals with how adult learners develop proficiency in a second language”); 2 copies available.

Teaching Language in Context 3rd Edition
Alice Omaggio Hadley
Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers © 2001
Third edition of original 1986 publication; new to this third edition = (1) discussion of the Standards for Foreign Language Learning, (2) discussion of the role of technology in language teaching, (3) review of some recent research in second-language acquisition and foreign language education; 498 pages.

Teaching Languages
Anthony Mollica (Editor)
Welland, Ontario: Éditions Soleil Publishing, Inc. © 1997
28 practical and theoretical articles on second-language acquisition written by leading North American scholars and selected from the first three volumes of the journal Mosaic: A Journal for Language Teachers; includes article entitled “The Five-Step Performance-Based Model of Oral Proficiency” by Boston College Prof. Rebecca M. Valette; 267 pages.

Teaching Listening Comprehension
Penny Ur
New York: Cambridge University Press © 1984
A practical handbook about developing listening comprehension skills in the language classroom; part one deals with background issues related to this topic; part two contains a variety of exercise types ranging in level from elementary to advanced; 173 pages.

Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching
Diane Larsen-Freeman
New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc. © 1986

The New Education: How to Revolutionize the University to Prepare Students for a World in Flux
Cathy N. Davidson
c. 2017 by Cathy N. Davidson – Published by Basic Books, an imprint of Perseus Books, LLC, a subsidiary of Hachette Book Group, Inc.; 318 pages

Total Physical Response in First-Year Spanish
Francisco L. Cabello
Los Gatos, CA: Sky Oaks Productions, Inc. © 1985
Lesson plans and sample quizzes/tests for a TPR-based first-year Spanish course; 207 pages.

Alan Duff
Oxford: Oxford University Press © 1989
A 160-page text designed not to teach translation, but to explore the use of translation in the language class as a means of developing accuracy, clarity and flexibility; includes a wide range of activities; although designed for use by teachers and students from any language background who are involved in the study of English, ideas may be applied to foreign language study.

A Translation Textbook
Madeleine Sergent and Kay Wilkins
University Press of America, Inc. © 1985

Um, Um, Um, Oh, Oh, or: How to Communicate in Any Language 3rd Edition, Revised
Monica Severa and Suzy Verhelst
© 1977 by Monica Severa and Suzy Verhelst

Understanding Second Language Acquisition
Lourdes Ortega
Lourdes Ortega © 2009 - Published 2013 by Routledge 
Graduate-level text in the Understanding Language Series (Editors: Bernard Comrie and Greville Corbett); 304 pages.

The Video Connection: Integrating Video into Language Teaching by Rick Altman (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. © 1989)
guidebook on the use of video materials in the teaching of language and culture; includes discussion of the following: basic principles of video pedagogy and language acquisition, the use of video in lower-level language as well as composition, conversation and civilization courses, the legalities of video use, the VCR, sources of video programming; 184 pages.

Video in Action: Recipes for Using Video in Language Teaching
Susan Stempleski and Barry Tomalin
London: Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd. © 1990
Publication in Prentice Hall International’s Language Teaching Methodology series designed “to offer teachers material that can be directly used in class;” collection of activities or recipes for using video in the language class, with cross-referenced index for “easy access to recipes, via activity, type of video sequence, level and purpose;” 173 pages.

Worlds Apart? Disability and Foreign Language Learning
Tammy Berberi, Elizabeth C. Hamilton, Ian M. Sutherland (Editors)
New Haven, CT: Yale University Press © 2008
These essays offer advice and resources on how to approach language teaching to college students with disabilities.

World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages, 4th edition
© 2015 National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project this document (printed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages - ACTFL) incorporates the Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Preparing for the 21st Century (1996) and Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century (2006); 158 pages.

Writing Across Languages
Gerd Bräuer (Editor)
Stamford, CT: Ablex Publishing Corporation © 2000
Volume one in the series Advances in Foreign and Second Language Pedagogy; divided into four parts (History and Theories, People, Spaces and Modes of Learning), this volume includes discussion of the following topics, among others: journal writing, automatic wr
iting, Internet writing, use of computers to teach writing in the foreign language classroom, portfolio learning; 191 pages.

Barnga: A Simulation Game on Cultural Clashes

Game design: Sivasailam Thiagarajan
Manual: Barbara Steinwachs
SIETAR International Publication © 1990, 1994 by Sivasailam Thiagarajan
Intended for classrooms or group seminars, this game teaches players how to approach cultural differences. By encountering these systematic variations, players practice their skills of intercultural negotiation as they navigate to a common goal.

“The game of international languages” for 2–6 players, ages 8+; contents: one game board, one die, 303 word cards, 48 phrase cards, six pawns; objective: to be the first to reach the top of the tower (imprinted on the game board) and become the “polyglot” of the group; there are three paths to the top: beginner, intermediate and advanced; playing cards: “word cards,” on one side, contain six words in English; the corresponding translations which include phonetic pronunciations are provided on the reverse side of the card in the following languages: Spanish, Italian, French, German, and Yiddish; “phrase cards,” on one side, contain three phrases in English; the corresponding translations and phonetic pronunciations, in the languages mentioned above, are on the reverse side of the card; activities involved in playing this game include: spelling a word, translating a phrase, translating a phrase in two languages; game instructions provided in English and Spanish.

Rory’s Story Cubes
c. 2010, 2011 Gamewright, a division of Ceaco Two sets of “the original Story Cubes”; one set of “Story Cubes-Actions”; each set includes 9 cubes featuring images on each cube’s 6 sides, for a total of 54 images per set; “Actions” cubes feature illustrations of everyday verbs; use Story Cubes to stimulate the imagination, encourage creative storytelling, problem solving, speaking and listening skills development, etc.

Edición Española

Edition Française


World Map 
Rand McNally Cosmopolitan Series 49½" × 32½" laminated map of the world


Autour de la littérature 3rd Edition Overhead Transparencies
Boston: Heinle and Heinle © 1995
20 overhead transparencies of advertisements designed to complement the 3rd edition of the intermediate-level text Autour de la littérature by Schofer and Rice. These transparencies are identical to the 20 color slides that accompany the 2nd edition of this text.

Contacts — Communicative Support Package
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. © 1989
20 overhead transparencies and 10 black-line transparency masters correlated with lessons of Contacts, 4th Edition (Valette and Valette).

Discovering French – Blanc Overhead Visuals
Lexington: D.C. Heath and Co. © 1994
76 colorful overhead transparencies and black-line transparency masters correlated with lessons of Discovering French – Blanc (Valette and Valette); includes maps, original drawings and illustrations from the text.

Discovering French – Bleu Overhead Visuals
Lexington: D.C. Heath and Co. © 1993
56 colorful overhead transparencies and black-line transparency masters correlated with lessons of Discovering French – Bleu (Valette and Valette); includes maps, original drawings and illustrations from the text.

Discovering French – Rouge Overhead Visuals
Lexington: D.C. Heath amd Co. © 1997
80 colorful overhead transparencies and black-line transparency masters correlated with lessons of Discovering French – Rouge (Valette and Valette) and À votre tour! (Valette and Valette); includes maps, original drawings and illustrations from the text.


Neue Horizonte 3rd Edition
Lexington: D.C. Heath and Co. © 1992
22 transparencies designed to correlate with the first-year text Neue Horizonte, 3rd Edition(Dollenmayer, Hansen); four of the transparencies are maps of Germany and the German-speaking countries; the other black and white transparencies may be used to illustrate specific grammar items and/or vocabulary.

Neue Horizonte 4th Edition
Lexington: D.C. Heath and Co. © 1996
28 transparencies designed to correlate with the first-year text Neue Horizonte, 4th Edition(Dollenmayer, Hansen); ten of the transparencies are maps of Germany and the German-speaking countries; the other black and white transparencies may be used to illustrate specific grammar items and/or vocabulary.

Treffpunkt Deutsch 3rd Edition
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall © 1999
50 transparencies of maps, illustrations, realia, and photographs found in the textbook Treffpunkt Deutsch Grundstufe, 3rd edition.

Treffpunkt Deutsch 4th Edition
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. © 2003 
43 transparencies of maps and illustrations found in the textbook Treffpunkt Deutsch, 4th Edition.

Treffpunkt Deutsch 5th Edition
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. © 2008 
62 transparenices of maps and illustrations found in the textbook Treffpunkt Deutsch, 5th Edition.


In giro per la letteratura
Boston: Heinle & Heinle © 1996
15 transparencies (11 color, 4 black & white) correlated to specific chapters of the text In giro per la letteratura (IT 1.027) by Elizabeth Giansiracusa and Kenneth Berri.

Italian Overhead Transparencies 2nd Edition
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company © 2002
24 black & white transparencies divided into three categories: maps, places and things, and people.

Oggi in Italia 3rd Edition
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. © 1987
24 transparencies divided into four categories: maps (of Italy), people, word sets, and scenes; although cued to chapters in the Italian text Oggi in Italia, 3rd edition, (Merlonghi, Merlonghi, Tursi) these transparencies may be used in conjunction with any language text, as the majority of transparencies are images only, without super-imposed text.

Prego! 3rd Edition Instructor’s Resource Kit and Manual
New York: McGraw-Hill © 1990
140 black-line transparency masters of drawings from the main text Prego!, 3rd Edition(Lazzarino) and realia (advertisements, schedules, announcements, newspaper and magazine articles, etc.); realia coordinated with cultural themes of main text chapters or with grammar topics.


Nachalo: When in Russia... Book 1
21 black and white overhead transparencies of selected illustrations contained in the eight chapters of the text Nachalo: When in Russia... Book 1 (© 1997 The McGraw-Hill Companies); includes one map of Russia and one chart of the Russian alphabet.

Nachalo: When in Russia... Book 2
19 black and white overhead transparencies of selected illustrations contained in the eight chapters of the text Nachalo: When in Russia... Book 2 (© 1997 The McGraw-Hill Companies).


Al corriente 2nd Edition Instructor’s Resource Kit
New York: McGraw-Hill © 1993
148 black-line transparency masters of line drawings from the text Al Corriente, 2nd Edition(Marks, Blake) and selected additional realia; also includes discussion and role-play activities coordinated with each chapter and four supplementary readings with accompanying activities.

¡Claro que sí!
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. © 1990
24 color transparencies containing maps of the Hispanic world and various scenes taken from the text illustrations of ¡Claro que sí!, 1st Edition (Caycedo Garner, Rusch, Domínguez); a correlation sheet provides a listing of the transparencies with references to the chapters in which they may be used.

¡Claro que sí! 3rd Edition
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. © 1996
40 color transparencies containing maps of the Hispanic world and various scenes taken from the text illustrations of ¡Claro que sí!, 3rd Edition; a correlation sheet provides a listing of the transparencies with references to the chapters in which they may be used.

¡Claro que sí! 4th Edition
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. © 2000
40 color transparencies containing maps of the Hispanic world and various scenes taken from the text illustrations of ¡Claro que sí!, 4th Edition (Caycedo Garner, Rusch, Domínguez); a correlation sheet provides a listing of the transparencies with references to the chapters in which they may be used.

¿Cómo se dice...? 3rd Edition
Lexington: D.C. Heath and Co. © 1986
29 transparencies with suggested related questions (in Spanish); 23 of the transparencies correspond to a lesson in the text ¿Cómo se dice...?, 3rd Edition (Jarvis, Lebredo); 6 transparencies are maps of the Spanish-speaking countries; these transparencies may be used in conjunction with other texts.

Heath Spanish Overhead Transparencies
Lexington: © D.C. Heath and Co.
32 color transparencies, including 5 maps of the Spanish-speaking world, 5 map overlays, 22 thematic, culturally authentic visual contexts covering the key topics, vocabulary and structures normally presented in introductory level college Spanish courses; Instructor’s Resource Manual, containing general strategies, background cultural notes, and suggested activities for each visual, is available. (NOTE: Several of these transparencies may be used in conjunction with other languages as language-specific references are minimal.)

32 color transparencies containing maps of the Hispanic world and various scenes taken from the text illustrations of Imágenes (Rusch, Domínguez, Caycedo Garner); a correlation sheet provides a listing of the transparencies with references to the chapters in which they may be used.

Nosotros los jóvenes
Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich © 1990
40 color transparencies, including 5 maps of the Spanish-speaking world, 5 map overlays, 30 thematically-grouped visuals illustrating a variety of communicative functions; accompanying planning guide provides a chart to aid in the correlation of transparencies to communicative functions.

Nuevos amigos
Orlando: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich © 1989
37 color transparencies including 5 maps of the Spanish-speaking world, 5 map overlays, 27 thematically-grouped visuals illustrating a variety of communicative functions; accompanying planning guide provides a chart to aid in the correlation of transparencies to communicative functions, as well as suggested activities for the use of thematic transparencies.

Un paso más Instructor’s Resource Kit
New York: McGraw-Hill © 1990
Black-line transparency masters for drawings taken directly from the student text Un paso más (Kupferschmid, Dorwick), transparency masters for realia from the text, optional activities related to chapter themes, transparency masters for optional realia, activities coordinated with the Un paso más “hacia la comunicación” sections of the text.

Spanish for Mastery 1: ¿Qué tal?
Lexington: D.C. Heath and Co. © 1994
63 colorful transparencies: 20 described as situational visuals, 3 maps and 3 map overlays of the Spanish-speaking world, 37 illustrating key topics, vocabulary and structures normally presented in introductory-level Spanish courses; cued to chapters in the Valette and Valette text Spanish for Mastery 1; duplicates several visuals found in the general Heath Spanish Overhead Transparencies and the ¿Cómo se dice? sets.

Spanish for Mastery 2: Entre nosotros
Lexington: D.C. Heath and Co © 1994
70 colorful transparencies cued to chapters in the Valette and Valette text Spanish for Mastery 2: 20 described as situational visuals (duplicates of the ¿Qué Tal? set above), 3 maps and 3 map overlays of the Spanish-speaking world, 47 illustrating key topics, vocabulary and structures presented in introductory-intermediate Spanish courses; duplicates several visuals found in the general Heath Spanish Overhead Transparencies and the ¿Cómo se dice? sets.

Spanish for Mastery 3: Situaciones
Lexington: © D.C. Heath and Co.
59 colorful transparencies cues to Escenas de Vida and El español práctico sections of units contained in the Valette and Valette text Spanish for Mastery 3; includes 3 maps of Spanish-speaking countries.

Spanish Transparency Bank
Boston: Heinle & Heinle © 1999
96 color transparencies, including 18 maps of the Spanish-speaking world; 78 thematically grouped visuals illustrate a variety of communicative functions.

¿Y tú?
Fort Worth: Holt Rinehart and Winston © 1986
46 transparencies related to themes and grammar items traditionally introduced in elementary Spanish language texts; each transparency is cued to a chapter in the text ¿Y tú?, but these materials may be used with any language text; may be used for written and/or oral classroom activities.

¿Y tú? — Set 2
Fort Worth: Holt Rinehart and Winston © 1989
1989 edition of original ¿Y tú? transparencies published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston; features 50 vividly colored transparencies illustrating various themes and/or grammatical structures; most of the transparencies in this edition are more colorful versions of the originals; a few are new to this edition.

¿Y tú? entre todos fronteras
Fort Worth: Holt Rinehart and Winston © 1989
16 map transparencies of the Spanish-speaking world; includes world map of Spanish-speaking countries, 4 maps of Spain, 1 map of Madrid, 4 maps of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, 1 map of Mexico City, 4 maps of South America, 1 map of Buenos Aires.

A Class Act

1/2" VHS color videocassette
Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages © 1987
About teachers and foreign-language teaching as a career; professionally filmed with practicing teachers and former teachers in the workplace; aimed at recruiting foreign-language teachers for the future.
In English
15 minutes

Collaborations: Meeting New Goals, Realities
1/2" VHS color videocassette
Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages © 1997
Produced in 1997 by the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages in conjunction with the 1997 Northeast Conference Reports volume; presents examples of classroom scenarios that each focus on one of the five goal areas of the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning; series of accompanying discussion questions available.
54 minutes.

Cultural Literacy and Interactive Language Instruction
1/2" VHS color videocassette
President and Fellows of Harvard College © 1989
Narrated by Marlies Mueller of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at Harvard University; illustrates a variety of activities designed to teach language through literature: (1) discussion of ideas via simulated news broadcasts and interviews with famous people, (2) vocabulary study, (3) grammar activities, (4) student dramatizations, (5) oral testing; begins by illustrating negative classroom techniques; ends with student discussion (in English) of the “language-through-literature” classes; all illustrations are from elementary and advanced French classes.
Narration in English
55 minutes

French In Action Videoconference
1/2" VHS color videocassette
The Annenberg/CPB Project © 1995
The April 1, 1995 French in Action videoconference held in conjunction with the Central States Conference in Denver, Colorado; David Pelizzari, host, with Pierre Capretz, creator of the French in Action program and panelists from high schools, community college and universities and distant learning programs throughout the US; includes (1) Capretz presentation on the origins of French in Action and its “place on the map” of foreign-language pedagogy, (2) videoclips from actual US high school and college-level classes, as illustrations of various teaching techniques for in-class use of the French in Action video, (3) sampling of panelists’ lesson planning and testing methods, (4) question/answer segment where panelists discuss issues phoned or faxed in from videoconference downlink audience or posed by the on-camera studio audience; also includes still photos and video outtakes of on-site filming of the series.
2 hours

From the Inside: Ethnographic Interviews in the Language Classroom
1/2" VHS color videocassette
National Language Resource Center, San Diego State University © 1997
Intended to promote and teach ethnographic interviewing techniques as a means, according to Dr. Gail Robinson-Stuart, of “getting the inside perspective” on persons of other cultures; features clips from actual student interviews and teacher training sessions.
In English
Approx. 21 minutes

Heinle & Heinle Satellite Videoconference #2: On Mentoring Foreign Language TAs, Lecturers, and Adjunct Faculty
1/2" VHS color videocassette
The October 25, 2000 second-annual national videoconference on issues in language program direction sponsored by Heinle & Heinle Publishers and broadcast from the Georgia Center for Continuing Education; based on the AAUSC (American Association of University Supervisors, Coordinators and Directors of Foreign Language Programs) volume Mentoring Foreign Language TAs, Lecturers, and Adjunct Faculty edited by Benjamin Rifkin; videoconference moderated by Robert Terry (University of Richmond) with featured speakers: Elizabeth Bernhardt (Stanford University), Tom Blair (City College of San Francisco), Lara Lomicka (Penn State University), Susan Navey-Davis (North Carolina State University), Rebecca Oxford (University of Maryland); in addition to delivering formal presentations and participating in discussions on the topic of mentoring, speakers respond to viewers’ questions.
2 hours

Heinle & Heinle Satellite Videoconference #3: Teaching in Today’s Multilevel Classroom
1/2" VHS color videocassette
The February 6, 2002 third-annual national videoconference on issues in language program direction sponsored by Heinle & Heinle Publishers and broadcast from the Georgia Center for Continuing Education; videoconference moderated by Robert Terry (University of Richmond) with featured speakers: Kerry S.G. Driscoll (University of Iowa and Coe College), Jean-Louis Hippolyte (Kansas State University), Patti J. Marinelli (University of South Carolina), and Kimberley A. Sallee (University of Missouri-Columbia); in addition to delivering formal presentations and participating in discussions on the topic of placement in the multilevel classroom where students of varying abilities/backgrounds in the target language come together, speakers respond to viewers’ questions.
2 hours

Interact ’89
1/2" VHS color videocassette
The satellite teleconference “Using Technology in the Modern Language Classroom,” from California State University at Chico (May 10, 1989). Participants include: Frank Otto of Brigham Young University, Rick Altman and James Pusack of PICS, Lee Ann Stone of UC at Irvine; their discussion includes task-based activities for the language lab, use of video and authentic foreign television programming and the availability of videodisc.
In English
90 minutes

Languages at Work
1/2" VHS color videocassette
President and Fellows of Harvard College © 1989
Narrated by Marlies Mueller of the Dept. of Romance Languages and Literatures at Harvard University; illustrates a variety of activities for the language classroom: warm-up, grammar-related, role-playing, group work, warm-down activities; illustrations are given in French, Italian, and Spanish by Harvard faculty members in elementary-level language classes.
Narration in English
35 minutes

McGraw-Hill Satellite Teleconference #1: From Theory to Practice: The Natural Approach
1/2" VHS color videocassette
The February 23, 1994 McGraw-Hill satellite teleconference (from California State University at Long Beach) on second-language acquisition theory and how to apply it to the classroom.
Moderator: Gerard Ervin of Ohio State
Features presentation by Dr. Stephen Krashen and panel discussion/questions-answers with Jeanne Egasse, Erwin Tschirner, Mary Rogers, Magdalena Andrade and Elías Miguel Muñoz; topic of discussion: Tracy Terrell’s Natural Approach to language instruction; available: multiple copies of teleconference handout containing biographies of conference panelists, outline of Krashen’s presentation and Natural Approach theory.
2 hours

McGraw-Hill Satellite Teleconference #2: A New Look at Authentic Materials
1/2" VHS color videocassette
The February 15, 1995 McGraw-Hill satellite teleconference (from California State University at Long Beach) on second-language acquisition theory and practice.
Moderator: Gerard Ervin (Ohio State)
Wilga Rivers (Harvard University)
June Phillips (Weber State and ACTFL)
And panel discussion/questions-answers with Drs. Robert Blake (University of California, Davis), Robert Di Donato (Miami University), Raymond Elliott (University of Texas, Arlington), L. Kathy Heilenman (University of Iowa), and Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku (University of California, San Diego); topic of discussion: use of authentic materials in the foreign language classroom; features videotaped examples of teachers using realia, authentic readings and video in the classroom; available: copy of teleconference handout containing outline of program.
2 hours

McGraw-Hill Satellite Teleconference #3: Integrating Technology into the Language Curriculum
1/2" VHS color videocassette
The October 23, 1996 McGraw-Hill satellite teleconference (from California State University at Long Beach) on second-language acquisition theory and practice.
Moderator: Gerard Ervin (Ohio State)
The Role of Technology by Dr. Robert J. Blake (University of California, Davis)
Technology and the Communicative Language Classroom 
by Dr. Bill Van Patten (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Followed by panel discussion/questions-answers with Drs. Gail Robinson-Stuart (San Diego State University), Richard Kern (University of California, Berkeley), Christopher M. Jones (Carnegie-Mellon University), James P. Pusack (University of Iowa), Karen Price (Harvard University); topic of discussion: attempt to answer the following 4 questions: What is technology good for? Where does technology live? What is the process for integrating technology? How does the language instructor get good materials?
2 hours

McGraw-Hill Satellite Teleconference #4: Grammar in the Communicative Language Classroom
1/2" VHS color videocassette
The Fall 1997 fourth-annual McGraw-Hill teleconference (from California State University at Long Beach) on second-language acquisition theory and practice.
Moderator: Gerard Ervin (Ohio State)
Diane Musumeci (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Dr. Michael H. Long (University of Hawaii, Manoa)
Also includes panel discussion/questions-answers with Drs. Elizabeth Bernhardt (Stanford University), Patsy Lightbown (Concordia University, Montreal), Theodore Higgs (San Diego State University), and Bill VanPatten (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign); topic of discussion: attempt to answer the following 4 questions: Should grammar be explicitly taught in the communicative language classroom? Does grammar instruction make a difference in the acquisition of a second language? If so, what are the effects? What approach to grammar instruction should be followed?
2 hours

McGraw-Hill Satellite Teleconference #7: Teaching Culture in the Digital Millennium
1/2" VHS color videocassette
The October 23, 2002 seventh-annual McGraw-Hill satellite teleconference (from California State University at Long Beach) on second-language acquisition theory and practice.
Moderator: Gerard Ervin (Ohio State)
Robert J. Blake (University of California at Davis)
Carl S. Blyth (University of Texas at Austin)
Gilberte Furstenburg (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Ute Lahaie (Baylor University)
Roberta Lavine (University of Maryland)
Judy Raggi Moore (Emory University)
Topic of discussion: crosscultural communication in the digital age, with the focus of identifying how best to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the availability of digital media, the practical aspects of its use, formats, set-up and time elements required for its use in- and outside of the language classroom.
2 hours

McGraw-Hill Satellite Teleconference #8: Testing and Assessment in the Second Language Classroom
1/2" VHS color videocassette
The October 27, 2004 eighth-annual McGraw-Hill satellite teleconference (from California State University at Long Beach) on second-language acquisition theory and practice.
Moderator: Gerard Ervin (Ohio State)
Elizabeth Bernhardt (Stanford University)
Fred Davidson (University of Illinois)
Robert Davis (University of Oregon)
Andrew Farley (University of Notre Dame)
Sandra J. Savignon (Pennsylvania State)
2 hours

McGraw-Hill Satellite Teleconference #9: Online Language Learning and Instruction – Perspectives and Experiences
1/2" VHS color videocassette
The October 25, 2006 ninth-annual McGraw-Hill satellite teleconference (from California State University at Long Beach) on second-language acquisition theory and practice.
Moderator: Gerard Ervin (Ohio State)
Steve Thorne (Pennsylvania State University)
Heather Allen (University of Miami)
Fabio Girelli-Carassi (Brooklyn College)
Katherine Nielson (University of Maryland)
Der-lin Chao (Hunter College)
Joseph Collentine (Northern Arizona University)
Robert Sanders (Portland State University)
2 copies available
2 hours

Poetry and the Teaching of Foreign Languages
1/2" VHS color videocassette
President and Fellows of Harvard College © 1991
Demonstration of teaching techniques where poetry is examined as a literary genre and as a means of expanding communicative skills in a foreign language; divided into three parts: Celebrating Poetry, Understanding Poetry, Creating Poetry; actual, unrehearsed classes in French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, and English as a Second Language presented; shot on location at Harvard University with appearances by Harvard professors Wilga Rivers and Marlies Mueller, as well as Prof. Claire Kramsch of the University of California at Berkeley.
60 minutes

Romance Languages and Literatures Teaching Fellow Workshop March 23, 1990
1/2" VHS videocassette
Four 15–20 minute presentations by Teaching Fellow members of the Boston College Department of Romance Languages and Literatures on topics related to teaching techniques suggested for use in the foreign language classroom.
In English
Approx. 75 minutes



        Adapting Oral Proficiency Interviews for Classroom Use
        Music in the Classroom
        Effective Interaction Using Groups and Teams
        Writing Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them


Romance Languages and Literatures Teaching Fellow Workshop February 28, 1992
1/2" VHS color videocassette
Five 15-minute presentations by Teaching Fellow members of the Boston College Department of Romance Languages and Literatures on topics related to teaching techniques suggested for use in the foreign language classroom.
In English
Approx. 75 minutes



        Fill’er Up: Quick and Easy Space Fillers (activities to focus students’ attention)
        Snap to It (Rassias drilling method)
        Action, Camera ... and Cut (student-produced videos)
        Playing It Safe (games)
        Instructor Exit Stage Left (student-centered activities for conversation initiation)


Romance Languages and Literatures Teaching Fellow Workshop February 23, 1996
1/2" VHS color videocassette
Six 10–15-minute presentations by Teaching Fellow members of the Boston College Department of Romance Languages and Literatures on topics related to teaching techniques suggested for use in the foreign language classroom.
In English
Approx. 75 minutes



        A Bag of Magic Tricks
        Listen Up!
        Everyone’s a Comic
        Wanted: Dead or Alive!
        Inspired Writing: Getting the Best from Students
        Please Pass the Pumpkin!


Romance Languages and Literatures Teaching Fellow Workshop February 14, 1997
1/2" VHS color videocassette
Five 10–15-minute presentations by Teaching Fellow members of the Boston College Department of Romance Languages and Literatures on topics related to teaching techniques suggested for use in the foreign language classroom.
In English
Approx. 75 minutes



        Hey! What happened? (part I: Intermediate Spanish; part II: Elementary Spanish)
        It’s in the bag! (Elementary French)
        Classroom Classics (Intermediate French)
        It’s transparent! (Spanish CCR)
        E Dio creò la Nutella (Italian CCR)


Technology: Tool or Method?
1/2" VHS color videocassette
Recording of a “Baker’s Dozen Roundtable” discussion broadcast April 12, 2001 via satellite from Duke University and sponsored by the Charles E. Culpeper Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in collaboration with Washington and Lee University and Duke University; 13 experts in applied linguistics, pedagogy and technology discuss (1) theory and practice in technology, (2) expected and assured outcomes with technology use, (3) changes in knowledge acquisition as it pertains to the technological interface, (4) technology as a transparent tool and/or method; discussion participants: Ms. Pegge Abrams (Duke), Dr. Bryan Alexander (Centenary College of Louisiana), Dr. Robert Blake (UC, Davis), Prof. Miriam Carlisle (Washington and Lee), Dr. Lise Desmarais (Canadian Foreign Service Institute), Dr. Robert Fischer (CALICO), Dr. Nina Garrett (Yale), Dr. P. Richard (Dick) Kuettner (Coordinator and Host, Washington and Lee), Dr. Jerry Larson (Brigham Young University), Dr. Jimmie Purser (Millsaps College), Dr. Clare Tufts (Duke), Prof. Ken’ichi Ujie (Washington and Lee), Dr. Clara Yu (Middlebury).
60 minutes

What’s in a Grade: The Advanced Placement Readings
1/2" VHS color videocassette
College Entrance Examination Board © 1992
A behind-the-scenes look at the scoring process of the College Board’s Advanced Placement examinations featuring footage shot on location at Clemson University and other reading sites; includes footage of reading of European History AP Exam and other subjects; interviews with AP readers and explanatory graphics.
18 minutes

Attribute Block Box

Set of 60 plastic blocks packaged in durable plastic sorting tray; 5 shapes (circle, hexagon, equilateral triangle, rectangle, square) in 3 colors (red, yellow, blue), 2 sizes (large pieces average approximately 3¾"; small pieces, 2⅛") and 2 thicknesses (¾" and ⅛"); accompanying Learning by Logic booklet illustrates activities to help teach the concepts of sorting and relationships of order, equivalence and difference; originally designed for use in elementary school mathematics classes, these blocks may be useful in the foreign language classroom for the teaching of vocabulary, colors, comparisons/superlatives, prepositions of location, etc.; a product of the Cuisenaire Co. of America.

Classroom Timers
2 “kitchen timer”-style classroom activity count-down timers

3 models available:

  1. Clock Dials: made of cardboard, these 4" clock faces have adjustable hands, large numbers, and clearly marked minutes; excellent for use by small groups (ten available).
  2. Flannel Clock: 15" × 15" clock face printed on 24"h × 18"w flannelboard; includes two red felt strips to be used as hands for the clock (2 available).
  3. Judy Clock: Bright yellow and blue 16" hardboard demonstration clock with metal feet, movable hands, and visible gears (4 available).
  4. Student Clocks: Sets of 12 individual clocks for small-group work (3 sets available).

Contacts 4th Edition — Communicative Support Package
20 overhead transparencies and 10 black-line transparency masters correlated with lessons of Contacts, 4th Edition (Valette and Valette); transcriptions and translations of songs from the Contacts student song cassette; proficiency activities (3 situation cards per unit and 3 situation cards per “Vivre en France”).


Un Canadien errantIl est né, le divin enfant
Chevaliers de la table rondeAh! vous dirai-je, Maman
La mère MichelA la claire fontaine
Auprès de ma blondeIl était une bergère
Marche des roisLes feuilles mortes

Cuisenaire Rods
6 sets (1 “jumbo” set, 2 “teacher’s” set and 3 “individual-size” sets) of colored plastic rods of various lengths; “jumbo” set: 154 rods, “teacher’s” set: 56 rods, “individual-size”: 74 rods; associated with the Silent Way method of teaching languages, these rods may be used to 1) illustrate basic structures of a language and/or 2) create/recreate stories, etc.; Cuisenaire rods have been otherwise associated with the teaching of mathematics at the elementary school level since the late 1950s; a product of the Cuisenaire Co. of America.

Cyrano de Bergerac: Lesson Plans
Judy Sugarman & Nancy Ward
Vernon Hills, IL: FilmArobics, Inc. © 1994
32 pages of lesson plans to accompany the study of the film Cyrano de Bergerac; includes overview, advance organizers, comprehension and discussion questions, suggested activities, composition topics; exercises designed to promote oral and written communication.

Destinations 1: Cartes-Eclair
Ontario: Copp Clark Pitman Ltd © 1990
100 flashcards organized under the following headings: animals/birds, clothing, fairy tales, flowers, food, fruit/vegetables, house, maps, objects, people, scenes, sports.

Eight sets of 10–12 small, plastic dice in pouches and two, larger (1 ¾") foam rubber dice; may be used for verb conjugation games and other classroom activities; larger dice appropriate for demonstration purposes.

Emotions Flash Cards
In such films as Ernest goes to camp, Ernest celebrates Christmas, etc. [note: film titles = approximate!] illustrating 16 basic emotions; identification of emotion printed on reverse of each card in English, French, German and Spanish.

Flash Cards – Assorted
Thirteen sets with 28 vocabulary picture flashcards per set, organized by themes, items listed on back of cards in English, French, German, and Spanish:

    Body parts
    Snack food
    Fruit & vegetables
    Household nouns

Food Sets
4 sets of plastic food items categorized as “breakfast set,” “lunch set,” “dinner set” and “fruits and vegetables;” also available 101 additional plastic or canned food items. Durable props useful in a variety of vocabulary building and other classroom activites.

La Grammaire en Fiches — Français
© 1992 by Avigail Azoulay-Vicente of M.I.T.
A new concept of grammar conceived as a tool used for self-correction; features 287 boxed flash cards with a grammar question presented on each card; explains rules in a step-by-step fashion in English; most exceptions integrated into rule formulations.

Heath Situation Cards Level One: French, German, Spanish
Lexington: D.C. Heath and Co. © 1992
120 situation cards, each of which focuses on a realistic communicative task; designed to function as a supplement to any first-year French, German or Spanish program; cards sequenced in order of increasing difficulty and complexity of assigned tasks; most cards considered to be at the “novice” to “low-intermediate” levels of the ACTFL Proficiency Scale; instructor’s guide contains indexes of cards arranged by (1) themes and related vocabulary, (2) linguistic functions, (3) grammar structures.

Heath Spanish Situation Cards
Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath © 1990
120 situation cards to be used as an aid to oral skills assessment; each focuses on clearly defined, realistic communicative tasks; designed to function as a supplement to first-year Spanish programs; sequenced in order of increasing difficulty and complexity of assigned tasks; three indexes of the cards available: (1) Index of Themes and Related Vocabulary; (2) Index of Linguistic Functions; (3) Index of Grammar Structures; NOTE: Many cards may be used in other language programs, as the situations are given in English and there are few language-specific references.

Hundred Number Wall Chart
26" × 26" heavy-duty vinyl chart with 100 transparent plastic pockets containing removable 2" × 2" cards showing the numerals 1 to 100; may be used to teach numbers, to do arithmetic, to provide practice with early number concepts (i.e. before, between, more than, less than, etc.); a product of the Cuisenaire Co. of America.

Language Visuals
Sixty 11" × 14" flash cards illustrated in as many as eight different colors; drawings depict the calendar, time, seasons, clothing, colors, numbers, holidays, the classroom, the family and more; multilingual (English, French, German, Italian and Spanish) teacher’s guide features model sentences and questions for use with each flash card.

The Massachusetts Hispanic Yellow Pages 1994–1995 (Sus Paginas Amarillas)
© Spanish Publishing Services
682-page telephone directory (yellow pages) in Spanish with listings and advertisements of special interest to Spanish speakers or students of Spanish.

“Mr. Potato Head”
Plastic Mr. Potato Head® by Hasbro Inc. — Complete with one potato body with interchangeable body parts (ears, eyes, mouth, nose, arms, feet) and accessories. Carrying case available. Suggested pedagogical use: means of facilitating acquisition of anatomical vocabulary.

Multi-Lingual Slide Catalog
Thematically-arranged catalogue of slides selected from the Language Lab’s collection of language-specific slide sets; individually these multi-lingual slides bear no language-specific words or signs, no culturally specific monuments; slides may be used with any language program; 27 themes represented.

Natural Language Learning
Harris Winitz, James Reeds, and Paul Garcia
Kansas City, MO: General Linguistics Corporation © 1975
Spanish language learning program that teaches understanding of language by focusing exclusively on listening comprehension; includes 4 volumes of images, each with accompanying audiocassette in Spanish; student is to listen to audiocassette and relate what he/she hears to what he/she sees by marking the appropriate image; Spanish-language script also available.
Total time: approx. 3 hours 42 minutes

4 noisemakers: 1 reception bell, 1 jingle bell band, 1 wooden clacker, 1 egg shaker instrument. Suggested pedagogical use: in conjunction with group competition-style activities.

El Norte: Lesson Plans
Judy Sugarman & Pat Solano
Vernon Hills, IL: FilmArobics, Inc. © 1994
49 pages of lesson plans to accompany the study of the film El Norte; includes overview, advance organizers, vocabulary and cultural notes, comprehension and discussion questions, suggested activities, composition topics; exercises designed to promote oral and written communication.

photo-op!: Images of World Culture
Dual-platform CD-ROM of printable images from Heinle & Heinle’s Image Resource Bank; includes images of daily life in Spanish-speaking countries as well as cultural landmarks found in these countries.

Photo Verb Flash Cards
Set of 40 color photographs (7" × 7") that illustrate 40 of the most common action verbs usually studied in first-year language courses; infinitive of each verb printed on reverse of each card in English, French, German and Spanish.

Situation Cards For Oral Evaluation: First-Year French, German, Spanish
NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston © 1988
144 situation cards, each of which tests discrete items related to vocabulary, grammatical structures, and/or linguistic functions; designed to function as a supplement to first-year French, German or Spanish programs and as achievement tests, not proficiency tests; most of the cards are considered to be at the “novice” or “intermediate” levels on the ACTFL Proficiency Scale; cards are indexed by: (1) vocabulary topics, (2) linguistic functions, (3) grammar forms and structure; reference guide available. NOTE: Cards are printed in English.

Situation Cards For Oral Evaluation: Intermediate French, German, Spanish 
NY: Holt, Rinehart and Winston © 1990
99 situation cards each of which tests discrete items related to vocabulary, grammatical structures, and/or linguistic functions; designed to be used independently with a variety of textbooks as achievement tests, not proficiency tests; most of the cards are considered to be at the “intermediate” to “advanced” levels on the ACTFL Proficiency Scale; cards are indexed by: (1) vocabulary topics, (2) linguistic functions, (3) grammar forms and structures; reference guide available; Note: Cards are written in English.

Stuffed Animals/Puppets
Toys that may be used as props to help illustrate classroom and/or tutoring session lessons; included in the collection are: (1) Carmen puppet, (2) bull puppet, (3) Fozzy Bear “doll,” (4) Alf puppet, (5) turtle, (6) lamb, among others.

Tennis Balls
Can of three; may be used for various purposes of illustration in class.

Testing and Teaching For Oral Proficiency
Educational Testing Service
Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers © 1987
MISC 1.004.001/.006
Kit designed for the teacher of English as a second language, French, German or Spanish who is interested in oral proficiency testing and in some of the ways the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines can be applied to the teaching of oral skills (one kit/language); components of each kit include: a book and set of two audiocassettes; each tape the rating scale — novice, intermediate, advanced, and superior; book includes: overview of interviews, description of rating scale, explanation of how interviews are conducted and the types of questions commonly used at each level, an application section with simple oral activities and guidelines for writing role plays at each level, commentaries for the interviews with detailed analysis of the students’ speech samples, and the interviewers’ techniques.


  1. Ten sets of 9" × 12" whiteboards with dry erase markers and erasers.
  2. Two double-sided 12" × 18" magnetic dry erase easel boards.
  3. One 18" × 24" magnetic Monthly Calendar Planner whiteboard with 4 magnets.