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![Carroll School of Management](/content/dam/bc1/schools/carroll/logos-and-images/CSOM-web-branding-logo-mega.png)
Fulton Hall 454A
Telephone: 617-552-0425
Email: kathleen.seiders@bc.edu
Kathleen Seiders is a Professor of Marketing at Boston College. Prior to her academic career, she had a ten-year career in food retailing. Her research has been published in journals that include Journal of Marketing, Sloan Management Review, Academy of Management Executive, Journal of Retailing, Annals of Internal Medicine, and Journal of Public Policy & Marketing. Research interests include customer convenience; retailing and service strategy; and public policy and food marketing. She received best article awards for “Understanding Service Convenience” (JM) and “Obesity and the Role of Food Marketing” (JPP&M). Kathleen is immediate-past president of the Academic Council of the American Marketing Association and serves on the Journal of Public Policy & Marketing and Journal of Service Research editorial review boards. Interviews include 60 Minutes, CBS Morning News, and NPR’s Marketplace. Before joining the Boston College faculty, she taught at Babson College and the Babson School for Executive Education, where she held the Constantine Simonides Term Chair.
“How Industries Use Direct-to-Public Persuasion in Policy Conflicts: Asymmetries in Public Voting Responses.” (With Andrea Godfrey Flynn and Gergana Y. Nenkov.) Journal of Marketing, 86 (2). March, 2022.
“Tell Us Again, How Satisfied Are You? The Influence of Recurring Post-Transaction Surveys on Purchase Behavior.” (With Andrea Godfrey Flynn and Linda Court Salisbury.) Journal of Service Research, 20 (3), 292-305. August, 2017.
"Motivating Customers to Adhere to Expert Advice in Professional Services: A Medical Service Context." (With Andrea Godfrey Flynn, Leonard L. Berry and Kelly L. Haws.) Journal of Service Research, 18 (1), 39-58. February, 2015.
“Physician Counseling of Overweight Patients About Preventive Health Behaviors.” (With Leonard Berry, Andrea Godfrey Flynn, Kelly L. Haws and Steve Q. Quatch.) American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 46 (3), 297-403. March, 2014.
“When is Enough Enough? Balancing on the Fine Line in Multichannel Marketing Communications.” (With Andrea Godfrey Flynn and Glenn B. Voss.) Marketing Intelligence Review, 4 (2), 8-15. November, 2012.
“Enough is Enough! The Fine Line in Executing Multichannel Relational Communication.” (With Andrea Godfrey Flynn and Glenn B. Voss.) Journal of Marketing, 75 (4), 94-109. July, 2011.
“Children's Use of On-Package Nutritional Claim Information.” (With Elizabeth G. Miller, Maureen Kenny and Mary E. Walsh.) Journal of Consumer Behavior, 10 (3), 122-132. May/June, 2011.
“How Complementarity and Substitution Alter the Customer Satisfaction-Repurchase Link.” (With Glenn B. Voss and Andrea Godfrey Flynn.) Journal of Marketing, 74 (6), 111-127. November, 2010.
“Opportunities for Innovation in the Delivery of Retail Interactive Services.” (With Leonard L. Berry, Ruth N. Bolton, Cheryl H. Bridges, Jeffrey Meyer and A. Parasuraman.) Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24, (2), 155-167. May, 2010.
“Understanding How Employees Understand Customers: A Commentary Essay.” Journal of Business Research, 62 (11), 1136-1138. November, 2009.
“Serving Unfair Customers,” (With Leonard L. Berry.) Business Horizons, 51 (1), 29-37. January-February, 2008.
“Taming the Obesity Beast: Children, Marketing, and Public Policy Considerations.” (With Ross D. Petty.) Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26 (2), 236-242. September, 2007.
“SERVCON: Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Service Convenience Scale.” (With Glenn B. Voss, Andrea L. Godfrey, and Dhruv Grewal.) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35 (1), 144-156. March, 2007.
“Should Business Care About Obesity?” (With Leonard L. Berry.) Sloan Management Review, 48 (2), 13-17. January, 2007.
“Regaining the Health of a Nation: What Business Can Do About Obesity.” (With Leonard L. Berry, and Albert C. Hergenroeder.) Organizational Dynamics, 35 (4), 341-356. 2006.
"Do Satisfied Customers Really Buy More? Examining Moderating Influences in a Retailing Context." (With Glenn B. Voss, Dhruv Grewal, and Andrea L. Godfrey.) Journal of Marketing, 69 (4), 26-43. October, 2005. Finalist for the Best Services Article Published in 2005 Award (AMA).
“Obesity and the Role of Food Marketing: A Policy Analysis of Issues and Remedies.” (With Ross D. Petty.) Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 23 (2), 153-170. 2004. Winner of the AMA JPP&M Kinnear Best Paper Award, 2003-2005.