Designed specifically for non-management students with no prior coding or programming skills, Jumpstart into Coding is a summer bootcamp program that provides students with a foundation in Python.
Fulton Hall 354C | 617-552-0461
Jonathan Beebe, Lecturer
Application for summer 2024 is now open
Students will learn by doing. This is not a memorization course. You'll write a lot of code, sometimes small programs to establish a concept, and sometimes larger programs like working with APIs, text mining projects, and DataFrames with pandas and basic analytics.
Complete the three-week program and receive four credits that count toward your Boston College graduation requirements and can be applied to a Carroll School minor in General Business.
In addition to several hours of hands-on coding experience each day, you'll hear from guest speakers and go on site visits designed to provide insight into how coding skills provide value for professionals and companies.
Classes will run daily for three weeks from May 21 to June 7, 2024. Finish it in just three weeks, and walk away with plenty of time to complete an internship and enjoy your summer break.
Students will earn four academic credits in three weeks of intensive coding lessons. If pursuing a General Business minor, the course takes the place of the Coding for Business requirement.
Learn how to program a computer using the language Python, which is suitable for all business and analytics programs.