Fulton Hall 360C
Email: samuel.hartzmark@bc.edu
Asset Pricing; and Behavioral Finance.
Samuel M. Hartzmark is a professor in the Seidner Department of Finance at the Boston College Carroll School of Management. He studies asset pricing and behavioral finance and his research has appeared in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial Economics, the Quarterly Journal of Finance, and the Review of Asset Pricing Studies. He has received a number of awards including the DFA prize for best asset pricing paper published in the Journal of Finance; the Exeter prize (the first finance paper to win); the AQR Insight Award; best paper Utah Winter FInance Conference; the Jack Treynor prize; the Research Affiliates Best Paper Award; the Moskowitz Prize; the BNP Paribas Best Paper Award, the Charles Brandes Prize; Best Paper in the Review of Asset Pricing Studies; 2nd prize Fama-DFA award for best paper in asset pricing research in the Journal of Financial Economics; the Hillcrest Behavioral Finance Award in 2015 and 2018; the UBS Global Asset Management Award; the Michael J. Barclay young scholar award; the SIX Best Paper Award Swiss Society for Financial Market Research; and he was a finalist for the 2014 AQR Insight award. His work has been covered by a variety of media outlets including CNBC, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg among others.
Hartzmark holds a Ph.D. from Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California, a MBA from University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and a BA in mathematics/economics (summa cum laude) with a double major in religion from Emory University.
"A New Test Of Risk Factor Relevance." (With Alex Chinco and Abigail Sussman.) Journal of Finance, forthcoming. SIX Best Paper Award Swiss Society for Financial Market Research 2021.
"Reconsidering Returns." (With David Solomon.) Review of Financial Studies, 2022, 35 (1), 343-393. September, 2017. Jack Treynor Prize 2020; Best Paper Utah Winter Finance Conference 2019; Hillcrest Behavioral Finance Award 2018.
"Ownership, Learning and Beliefs." (With Samuel Hirshman and Alex Imas.) Quarterly Journal of Economics, 163 (3), 1665-1717. August, 2021.
"Do Investors Value Sustainability? A Natural Experiment Examining Ranking and Fund Flows." (With Abigail Sussman.) Journal of Finance, 74 (6), 2789-2837. August, 2019. Research Affiliates Best Paper Award for ESG 2019; Moskowitz Prize 2018; BNP Paribas Best Paper Award 2018.
"The Dividend Disconnect." (With David Solomon.) Journal of Finance, 74 (5), 2153-2199. May, 2019. Journal of Finance DFA Prize 2019; Charles Brandes Prize 2017; Finalist Hillcrest Behavioral Finance Award 2017; Roger F. Murray Prize 2017.
"A Tough Act to Follow: Contrast Effects in Financial Markets." (With Kelly Shue.) Journal of Finance, 73 (4), 1567-1613. April, 2018. Exeter Prize 2019; AQR Insight Award 2016; Finalist Hillcrest Behavioral Finance Award 2015.
"Recurring Firm Events and Predictable Returns: The Within-Firm Time-Series." (With David Solomon.) Annual Review of Financial Economics, 10 (1), 499-517. December, 2017.
"Rolling Mental Accounts." (With Cary Frydman and David Solomon.) Review of Financial Studies, 31 (1), 362-397. September, 2015.
"Being Surprised by the Unsurprising: Earnings Seasonality and Stock Returns." (With Tom Chang, David Solomon and Eugene Soltes.) Review of Financial Studies, 30 (1), 281-323. 2017. Hillcrest Behavioral Finance Award 2015; Best paper California Corporate Finance Conference 2015.
"Economic Uncertainty and Interest Rates." Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 6 (2), 179-220. Best Paper Review of Asset Pricing Studies. December, 2016.
"Juicing the Dividend Yield: Mutual Funds and the Demand for Dividends." (With Lawrence Harris and David Solomon.) Journal of Financial Economics, 116 (3), 433-451. June, 2015. Second Prize Fama-DFA Award 2015.
"The Worst, The Best, Ignoring All the Rest: The Rank Effect and Trading Behavior." Review of Financial Studies, 28 (4), 1024-1059. April, 2015. Finalist AQR Insight Award 2014; Financial Research Association UBS Global Asset Management Award 2013; Financial Research Association Michael J. Barclay Young Scholar Award 2013; Cubist Systematic Strategies PhD Candidate Award for Outstanding Research, WFA 2014.
"The Dividend Month Premium." (With David Solomon.) Journal of Financial Economics, 109 (3), 640-660. 2013. Best paper California Corporate Finance Conference 2011.
Review of Finance, Associate Editor, 2017–Present