Publications & Conference Opportunities
Colloquium: The Political Science Journal of Boston College
Serving as a forum meant to promote academic dialogue and exchange both within and outside of the University's political science community, Colloquium expands upon the current offerings of the major. Coupled with the discipline's intensive writing and critical thinking nature, this undergraduate journal furthers the means through which students are able to address, ponder and critique the political issues of past and present. Encouraged by Colloquium to rigorously and objectively consider questions of significant importance, undergraduates bring scholarly discussion normally reserved for the confines of the political science classroom into the larger Boston College student body. For more information please contact the Editorial Board at is published biannually in print, and also online as an open access journal
Student Publications
Michael Alario
"Pay it Forward" In Business Magazine. September 2016.
Anne Bigler
"Game Theory Analysis of the Soweto Uprising." Kaleidoscope. Spring 2016.
Monica Coscia
"How The Supreme Court Made the Freedom of Speech More Free." Duke University Sanford Journal of Public Policy. May 2017.
"Justice, Truth, Crime, Punishment: The Brothers Karamazov Jury Trial. Elements: The Undergraduate Research Journal of Boston College. May 2017.
"How The Supreme Court Made the Freedom of Speech More Free." Colloquium: The Political Science Journal of Boston College. May 2017.
"The Fateful Fifty-Two: How the American Media Sensationalized the Iran Hostage Crisis." Colloquium: The Political Science Journal of Boston College. December 2016.
Ryan Duffy
"Is the United States' turn for the red surprising? Not in Texas." Texas Tribune, Dec. 1, 2016. Link
"The Legal Controversy Surrounding the Clean Power Plan." Colloquium: The Political Science Journal of Boston College. Issue 1, Volume 1, Page 54. 2017.
"I am a Leader, and I Sweat the Details," BC Law School Magazine, May 2017. Link
"Gun Reform: The Search for Answers," BC Law School Magazine, May 2017. Link
"The ‘Accidental Feminist’ Who’s Rewriting History," BC Law School Magazine, March 2017. Link
"A Forceful Voice for Others with Disabilities," BC Law School Magazine, March 2017.
"A Fight Worth Having," BC Law School Magazine, February 2017. Link
Jordan Pino
“'That Which is Best Administered is Best’: The Federalists and Anti-Federalists on Form.” Colloquium: The Political Science Journal of Boston College Vol. I, No. II (Spring 2017): pp. 42-47.
Body Politics: What’s the State Got to Do With It? Jordan A. Pino and Konstantinos Karamanakis, editors. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College University Libraries, 2017.
“As 21-year-old quits GOP: ‘My Country, Right or Left or Wrong.’” The Orlando Sentinel, August 18, 2016.
Caylee Wozniak
Counterterrorism or Counterclockwise? The Implications of National Security Measures on Civil Liberties.” Boston College Bellarmine Law Society Pre-Law Review. Vol. II, Issue II. May 2017.
Alidadi, Omeed
“Creating Fear: How American News Outlets Perpetuate Islamphobia.” Progress ME. March 15, 2016.
Beckwith, Matthew
"A Noble Waffling: The Role of Human Rights in Jimmy Carter's Foreign Policy." Kaleidoscope International Journal of Boston College 7.2 (2016): 14-18. Print.
Butron, Juliana
“A Climate of Inaction: Limitations of a Relational Understanding of Morality.” Elements. Spring 2016.
Coscia, Monica L.
"Diversity or Discrimination in Disguise? The Supreme Court and Affirmative Action." Boston College Bellarmine Law Society Pre-Law Review. January 2016.
Kelliher, Meaghan
"Abolishing the Death Penalty." SocialEyes. Spring 2016.
"Femicide in Ciudad Juárez." Kaleidoscope.Fall 2015.
Mills, Tyler
"Why Lochner Was Right: The Ingredients for Making Judicial Determinations.” Bellarmine Pre-Law Review. Boston College, MA. Vol. VI, Issue II. Spring 2016.
"Army Corps and EPA’s Final Rule Causes Controversy: Revising the Definition of 'Fill Material' and 'Discharge of Fill Material' in the CWA. Bellarmine Pre-Law Review. Boston College, MA. Vol. VI, Issue II. Spring 2016.
Moretti, Rebecca
“The Psychological Puzzle: Contributing Factors to the Top-Down Politicization of Intelligence.” Elements. Spring 2016.
Murphy, Emily
“The Gulf States are Coming Together on Counter Terrorism.” Swiss International Relations website. January 16, 2016.
“Israel's Complex Interconnectedness in Counterterrorism.” Swiss International Relations website. February 24, 2016.
“When Counterterrorism Goes Global.” Progress ME. February 16, 2016.
“Kuwait: Assessing Legitimacy and Stability in a Land of Paradox.” Progress ME. February 1, 2016.
Orenstein, Julie
“Covert Failure: U.S. Intelligence Prior to the Iranian Revolution.” Al-Noor. Spring 2015.
Pino, Jordan A.
“The ‘Justice’ of Rawls’ Contract: An Impoverished Device.” Bellarmine Pre-Law Review 6, no. 2 (Spring 2016): pp. 63-71.
“Scott’s Potential Refugee Denials Could Feed Islamophobia.”& Orlando Sentinel (Orlando, FL), Nov. 18, 2015.
Toghramadjian, Hagop
"Discordant Notes in a Church-State Symphony: Orthodoxy and Politics in Putin's Russia." The Birch. (Columbia's Slavic and Eastern European Studies Journal). Spring 2016. (p. 75)
"National Identity and the Crisis of Democracy in the Arab Middle East."Southern California International Review.Spring 2015. (p. 50)