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Got Corporate Social Responsibility News?  Tell Us What You're Working On and Why.

Every other week, our Center publishes a blog roundup of corporate social responsibility stories: who you're partnering with in your communities and why; where your employees are volunteering (with photos if you have them!); what's noteworthy about your latest sustainability report; how you're helping to create happy, healthy, inclusive workplaces; and anything else that falls under the umbrella of corporate social responsibility.

Starting in 2024, We're Implementing an Editorial Calendar. But Don't Worry! You Can Still Submit Any Story, Any Time.

So we can organize your valuable contributions in a more helpful way, we will use the calendar below to create themed blog posts, where you'll have more room to talk about your CSR initiatives, outcomes, and the purpose that's driving them. If your news topic does not fit one of these categories, or if you missed the deadline for a category, that's okay!  We will share ALL submissions via our Movers & Shakers e-newsletter. Please take a moment to review the calendar below. Again, if you prefer to see your story posted ASAP or apart from our calendar themes, there's an option in the form below to request inclusion in our e-newsletter. Thanks in advance for your willingness to share and for the important work you do!

Questions? Email

2024 EDITORIAL CALENDAR | Jan - Aug | Dates Listed Are Publication Dates; Please Submit Your Stories & Examples at Least Two Weeks Prior

examples company mentoring programs

JAN 13 | MENTORING IN THE WORKPLACE & THE COMMUNITY Mentoring Programs in the Workplace | How does your company mentor local students to support the next generation of talent and/or foster career readiness in your communities? Does your company use mentoring to support new hires and/or diverse talent? How does your company use reverse mentoring to connect younger employees with more tenured workers?

supplier diversity

FEB 16 | SUPPLIER DIVERSITY Best Practices in Supplier Diversity & Inclusive Procurement | What steps have you taken to support a more inclusive approach to procurement? What are some of the positive results you're seeing?

storytelling engages consumers in csr

MAR 15 | Communicating Purpose Using Stories to Communicate Purpose | Where are you telling your CSR story? Send us examples from Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, etc. What has the response been? How are your sharing your CSR stories internally? Do you have any metrics to show employees are listening? What is your company’s purpose? How do you weave purpose into your CSR narrative?

pro bono and skills based volunteering

APR 13 | SKILLS-BASED VOLUNTEERING Skills-Based Volunteering Stories | What examples can you provide of successful SBV engagements or pro bono services? What did your teams help to accomplish? Which skills are most needed right now by your community partners? How are you promoting these volunteer opportunities within your company? What kinds of results are you seeing?

new laws in us salary requirements

MAY 11 | FOCUS ON FINANCIAL LITERACY What is financial literacy and why does it matter? Companies weigh in on the importance of money-related skills and concepts, plus share how their corporate social responsibility teams are working to build financial literacy among various stakeholder groups.

work life balance legislation

JUNE 14 | Supporting Working Parents & Caregivers How to Support Employees with At-Home Roles | What kinds of resources or support services are you offering parents and caregivers? Does your company have an employee resource group for parents and caregivers? What kinds of issues are these groups tackling?

employee wellbeing companies - 1

TBD | WELLBEING AT WORK Wellbeing at Work: What Does It Look Like? | Of the four pillars of wellbeing (physical, mental, financial, and social) where do you think your company can make the greatest impact? What kinds of resources or support services are you offering employees related to wellbeing? Do any stats on employee wellbeing make it into your ESG report? What do they look like?

community resilience

TBD | COMMUNITY RESILIENCE As Atlantic Hurricane Season approaches, we'd love to know: how is your company working to develop climate resilience products or services? Is your company funding any community climate resilience investments? How are you developing climate resilience in your supply chain? Where are your team members volunteering to support community resilience projects or efforts?

employee resource groups pride month

TBD | HOW TO BE AN ALLY Pride Month | How to Be an Ally | What is your company doing to educate employees about LGBTQ+ issues? How are you updating company policies in order to be more equitable and inclusive? How does your company ensure its support for the LGBTQ+ community extends beyond the month of June? What are some pride-related insights you have leveraged from your employee resource groups?

fedex rise against hunger

TBD | HELPING TO TACKLE FOOD INSECURITY How can companies help address the root causes and pervasive effects of food insecurity? Send us your projects and stories.

esg reporting frameworks regulation

TBD | ESG SCORES & RANKINGS: WHAT DO THEY MEAN? There are LOTS of different ESG scores, rankings, awards, and lists out there. Different organizations highlight different companies who are doing especially well with environmental or social dimensions. We want to know which ones matter to you. Which scores or mentions is your company proud to share? Where have you made the biggest strides?

CSR jobs

TBD | CSR JOBS & INTERNSHIPS Corporate Social Responsibility Jobs & Internships | As the summer winds down, we're spotlighting all the latest openings in CSR, ESG, DE&I, social impact, and related opportunities. Send us your job openings and, more importantly, your detailed descriptions of how you hope new team members can deliver on your company's corporate citizenship commitments.

Did You Miss the Date for Your Chosen Topic?

No Problem! We'd Still Love to Share Your Examples... Share Here

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2024 Blogs 

Mentoring in the Workplace