Fulton Hall 334
Telephone: 617-552-3240
Email: edith.hotchkiss@bc.edu
Edith Hotchkiss is a professor in the Seidner Department of Finance at the Boston College Carroll School of Management. Her research focuses mainly on corporate finance, more specifically, the efficiency of Chapter 11 bankruptcy procedures; restructuring mechanisms for financially distressed firms; transparency and efficiency of the corporate bond market.
Her teaching interests focus on corporate finance: valuation and corporate restructuring.
Hotchkiss has worked for New York University as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Finance and at Standard & Poor's Corporation as an Assistant Vice President.
She is a member of the academic advisory board and has served on the board of directors of the Turnaround Management Association.
Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring, and Bankruptcy, 4th Edition. (With Edward Altman and Wei Wang.) John Wiley & Sons. 2019.
"Sources of value creation in private equity buyouts of private firms." (With Jonathan Cohn and Erin Towery) Review of Finance, 26 (2), 257-285. March, 2022.
“Private Equity and the Resolution of Financial Distress.” (With David Smith and Per Strömberg.) Review of Corporate Finance Studies, 10 (4), 694-747. December, 2021.
“Providing Liquidity in an Illiquid Market: Dealer Behavior in US Corporate Bonds.” (With Michael Goldstein.) Journal of Financial Economics, 135 (1), 16-40. January, 2020.
“The Value of Creditor Control in Corporate Bonds.” (With Peter Feldhütter and Oğuzhan Karakaş.) Journal of Financial Economics, 121 (1), 1-27. July, 2016.
“Inducing Omni-temporality: Product Heritage Appropriation in Corporate Heritage Brand Construction.” (With Pedro Mir Bernal, Pecot, Fabien Pecot, and Virgine DeBarnier.) Journal of Brand Management, 30, 144-156. January, 2023.
“Approaches to Corporate Heritage Brand Management: The Cases of Cunard and Ritz-Carlton.” in J.M.T. Balmer, Foundations of Corporate Heritage. Routledge.
“Corporate Heritage Brands: Mead’s Theory of the Past.” (With John Balmer, J.M.T.) Corporate Communications, 18 (3). August, 2013.
“Brand Heritage and the Renaissance of Cunard,” European Journal of Marketing, 45 (9-10), 1538-1556. August, 2012.