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CSR Research: Engaging Employees

hiring processes and veterans

Are we doing disservice to those who served in our hiring processes?

RESEARCH BRIEF - To examine how veterans disclose their experiences with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on social media and the consequences in the hiring process, researchers conducted four studies across more than 1,500 people.

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Sustainability training improves eco-friendly behaviors outside of work

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers examined the direct and indirect relationships between employee participation in an environmentally focused training at work and employees' eco-friendly behaviors outside of work...

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corporate diversity info and talent acquisition - 1

Are jobseekers influenced by diversity information?

RESEARCH BRIEF - To understand whether jobseekers use information about the company’s diversity scores when applying to jobs, researchers examined the click-through behavior of 178,862 jobseekers...

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employee engagement team impact - 1

Communication of talent management strategies should account for self-perception

RESEARCH BRIEF - When it comes to inclusive vs. exclusive talent management strategies, how do employees feel about what's fair? How do their own self-perceptions play a role?

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mentoring diverse employees - 1

Create advantage in the war for talent: Promote diversity during job recruitment

RESEARCH BRIEF - Active job seekers were asked to measure the impact of public acknowledgment of diversity practices in recruitment of both LGBTQ jobseekers and non-LGBTQ prospects.

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new laws in us salary requirements

Increasing minimum wage benefits employees, productivity

RESEARCH BRIEF - Researchers observed the effect of the minimum wage on worker productivity and well-being among more than 40,000 salespeople whose pay is partly based on performance.

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Representation matters

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies looking to create and promote gender-egalitarian parental leave policies are more successful in doing so when women’s representation in politics at the national level is greater.

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CSR and financial performance

CSR Improving Financial Performance through Employee’s Work Engagement and Strategic Cohesion

RESEARCH BRIEF - Firms implementing CSR practices that align with their market strategies increase employee engagement, which can ultimately enhance financial performance.

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SEC rule scope 1 and scope 2 emissions - 1

Do GHG Emissions and/or Green Innovation Affect Financial Results for Corporate Venture Investments?

RESEARCH BRIEF - GHG-emission reduction and green innovation have a significant positive effect on the financial performance of corporations making venture capital investments.

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