Endowed Chair, Jesuit Pedagogy and Educational History
Research Scholar, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies
Simboli Hall 027
Telephone: 617-552-9098
Email: casalini@bc.edu
Readings and Research in Formative Education
History of Formative Education
Jesuit pedagogy; philosophy of education; intellectual history of education; foundations of education; whole person education; and history of formation
Cristiano Casalini is a Professor and Endowed Chair in Jesuit Pedagogy and Educational History, and a Research Scholar with the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies at Boston College. He teaches History of Jesuit Pedagogy, Social Justice in Jesuit Contexts, and Philosophy of Education.
Casalini’s field of research is mainly early modern education and especially Jesuit education. He has worked on critical texts and commentaries of 16th and 17th century classics of education, especially in and around the Jesuit order. He also provided with Claude Pavur the first volume of a series devoted to the history of Jesuit pedagogy, entitled Jesuit Pedagogy. A Reader (1540–1616) (Boston: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2016). He also wrote a book on the Cursus Conimbricensis and the education at the Jesuit college of Coimbra (Rome: Anicia, 2012; and, in Portuguese, Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2015; in English, New York: Routledge, 2017), which was awarded with the Prémio Joaquím de Carvalho, 2016. Casalini serves as editor-in-chief of a series published by Brill on History of Early Modern Educational Thought.
C. Casalini (ed.), The Jesuit Philosophy on the Eve of Modernity, Brill, Leiden, 2019.
C. Casalini, Benet Perera and Early Jesuit Pedagogy, Anicia, Rome, 2016.
C. Casalini & C. Pavur, Early Jesuit Pedagogy (1540–1616). A Reader, Institute of Jesuit Sources, Boston, 2016.
C. Casalini & F. Mattei, Su Schopenhauer. Marginalità filosofico-pedagogiche, Anicia, Rome, 2016.
C. Casalini & F. Mattei, Jesuitica Institutio. Figure e modelli di una forma educativa moderna, Anicia, Rome, 2014.
C. Casalini, Aristotele a Coimbra. Il Cursus conimbricensis e l’educazione nel Collegium Artium, with a Preface of John W. O’Malley, Anicia, Rome, 2012.
Then translated in Portuguese and published as Aristóteles em Coimbra. O curso conimbricense e a educação no Collegium Artium, Coimbra, Coimbra University Press, 2015.
Then translated in English and publish as Aristotle in Coimbra. The Cursus Conimbricensis and Education at the College of Arts, New York, Routledge, 2017.
Critical Editions
C. Casalini & D. Mombelli (eds.), Juan Andrés, La figura de la Tierra, Madrid, Casemiro, 2017.
C. Casalini & L. Salvarani (eds.), Antonio Negri Bassanese, Tragedia intitolala del libero arbitrio (1547), Anicia, Rome, 2014.
Articles and Chapters
C. Casalini, “Teaching the World: Beyond the Ratio Studiorum”, in The Oxford Handbook to Jesuits, edited by Ines Zupanov, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017.
C. Casalini & C. Sander, “Benet Perera’s Pious Humanism. Aristotelianism, Philology and Education in Jesuit Colleges. An Edition of Perera’s Documenta quaedam perutilia”, History of Universities (Oxford University Press), 2017.
C. Casalini, “Claudio Acquaviva and the Ratio studiorum”, in The Acquaviva Project, edited by F. Rurale & P.-A. Fabre (Boston: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2017), pp. 265–286.
C. Casalini, “Early Jesuit Pedagogy. A Survey on its core values”, Rassegna di pedagogia, 3-4 (2016), pp. 401-428.
C. Casalini, “La persona in Luigi Stefanini. Ermeneutica di una definizione”, in Ermeneutica della persona e figure del personalismo, edited by Francesco Mattei, Rome, Anicia, 2016, pp. 35-86.
C. Casalini & F. Mattei, “Il collegio gesuitico come struttura (non solo) educativa. Il caso del Germanicum (1552–1574)”, Rassegna di pedagogia, 1-2 (2016), pp. 105–122.
C. Casalini, “The History of Jesuit Post-Restoration Philosophy”, in R.A. Maryks, Jesuit Historiography Online, http://referenceworks.brillonline.com/browse/jesuit-historiography-online, Dec. 2016.
C. Casalini, “The Jesuits”, in E. Lagerlund & B. Hill (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Sixteenth Century Philosophy, New York, Routledge, 2017.
"Very Superstitious": Benet Perera SJ on Astrology, Dream Interpretation, and Magic. Conference: Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Chicago, 30 March-1 April, 2017.
Organizer and Discussant of Roundtable: Integrating Online Resources for Jesuit Studies: Current Projects and Future Collaborations. Conference: Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Chicago, 30 March-1 April, 2017.
Andrés and the Jesuit attitude toward early-modern philosophy. Conference, Juan Andrés y Escuela Universalista Española, Madrid (Spain), 24-26 January, 2017.
De foeminis lascivis, & iuvenibus procacibus. Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza and the Jesuit Moral Debate on Comedies. Conference: Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza (1578–1641) System, Sources and Influence, České Budějovice, November 25-27, 2016.
The Jesuit philosophers in Coimbra and their Cursus. Conference: Lecture in celebration of the Joaquim de Carvalho Award, Coimbra, October 10-14, 2016.
Ethical Issues in the Coimbra Jesuit Course. Conference: Sixteenth Century Society Annual Conference, Bruges, 18-20 August, 2016.
Shaping a Reformed Mindset: Early Reformed Catechisms in Italy. Conference: Renaissance Society of America-Annual Meeting, Boston, 31 March-2 April, 2016.
Brill (Leiden-Boston): History of Early Modern Educational Thought – Editor-in-Chief
Anicia (Rome): Teoria e Storia dell’educazione – Editorial Board
The Jesuit Online Bibliography – Associate Editor
The Jesuit Catalogs Project – Editor-in-Chief
The Conimbricenses.org – Editorial Board Member
Humanismoeuropa.org – Editorial Board Member
Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal – Scholarship Editor
Educazione. Giornale di pedagogia Critica – Editorial Board
Metodologías Humanísticas en la Era Digital – Editorial Board
Recensión: Revista Internacional de Ciencias Humanas y Crítica de Libros – Editorial Board
Prémio Joaquim de Carvalho, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, 2016 (grant 3,000 euros)
I Premio Internazionale di Pedagogia “Vito E Bruna Fazio-Allmayer”, Palermo, 2015